Sunday, September 4, 2011


     I got in to aviation because of my brother. When I was fourteen I flew with him from Ann Arbor, Mi. to Coeur D'alene, Id. in a Cessna 310. I was instantly hooked. The flying came easy to me, holding altitude and heading were extremely easy to me as well as maneuvers and navigating. At the time I set my goal to go to college for aviation after high school. However, in my sophomore year of high school I learned of an aviation mechanic program put on by our school, as well as the Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology. I signed up and started the program in my Junior year of high school. I graduated high school having completed half of the program. I then took another year after high school to finish the program and receive my Airframe and Power Plant Mechanic's license. Shortly after I enrolled in Eastern Michigan University's Aviation Flight Technology program.
       I have now completed most of the aviation program and I'm on the verge of receiving my Instrument rating. I have held numerous jobs to help pay for college, including Contract maintenance at Detroit Metro Airport for airlines such as Southwest, Delta (pre Northwest merger), Continental, Air France, and Lufthansa. I then began working as a Flight Mechanic for National Airlines out of Willow Run Airport. I spent a lot of time in places such as Quartaro, Mexico, and Shannon, Ireland. So far I have managed to remain debt free through college. My ultimate goal is to pay for all college and flight time out of pocket without student loans. I feel this will give me more flexibility when accepting entry level flight positions.
      My goals for the future are to finish my degree and find a job flying. Through my experience, my ideal job would be with a scheduled carrier. I prefer knowing when I will be home and when I will be flying. My overall goal is to eventually fly for Southwest Airlines. I believe in their business model and feel their core beliefs align nicely with my own. For now I will continue working hard and paying my way through college to work towards these ultimate goals. 

1 comment:

  1. C310 is a great airplane. I have some time in it myself. What a great accomplishment to come out of school debt free! You are right - this will allow you to have greater flexibility and more opportunities. On another note, your blog title should probably read "You should be able to fix before you're allowed to fly it".
